About Roof Coating

Over the years roofing materials degrade and are no longer able to accurately protect your business. At this time, you need experts that know what the best way is to aid your roofing materials and keep them from becoming the materials of the past. Flag Ship Foam & Coatings has the solution to your problem. This solution comes in the form of roof coating. If you own a commercial or industrial building in Kalispell, MT then call us today on (208) 946-3031.

Roof Coating

Essentially roof coating is a semi-clear coat that creates a solid layer of protection for your roof. What this means is that once the coating has been applied and has cured there will be no seams for things to penetrate. It is only semi-clear due to the fact that there is a reflective element to it. This allows it to reduce the effect the sun has on your roofing materials while it also lowers the cost of cooling your building. A coating is cost effective and allows you to regain control over the cooling costs. This means it provides you with the ability to put more into your business, employees, as well as your pockets. A coating is an excellent way to protect your roof from moisture entering your building through the roofing materials.

The Process


Like any other roofing procedure, it starts with an inspection. This will provide us with information such as the exact measurements of your roof, and what materials your roof is made of. This is vital information as it allows us to pick the perfect roof coating for your roof. If we utilize the wrong coating it could have a bad reaction with your roofing materials causing damage to the roofing system itself. It will then cost much more to address the new issues that are created by the chemical reaction.

Contact Us Now!

If you are being informed by a different company that you need a roof replacement, seek us out for a second opinion. It could be that your roof would do excellent with a roof coating instead. Roof coating is one form of restoring your roof to its original condition while remaining cost effective. If your building is in the Kalispell, MT area, then you are in luck because we at Flag Ship Foam & Coatings are also in the area. Contact us now on (208) 946-3031 to get a second opinion or to find out more ways a roof coating could help your roof.