Metal Roof Restoration – Helena, MT

Metal Roof Restoration1

Metal roofs are becoming increasingly popular for commercial buildings, due to their durability, longevity, and energy efficiency. Unfortunately, metal roofs can sustain damage or corrode over time, resulting in leaks, lower energy efficiency, and, eventually, the need for a costly replacement. Fortunately, metal roof restoration services can be a great solution for commercial building owners. Flag Ship Foam & Coatings in Helena, MT, can show you how! Call us today at 208-946-3031 to learn more.


A metal roof restoration involves applying a specialized coating to the surface of your metal roof to restore its appearance, repair any damage, and improve its energy efficiency. This coating provides a protective barrier that can prevent further damage and leaks, while also reflecting heat and reducing energy costs.


One of the primary advantages of a metal roof restoration is its long-term viability. Unlike a complete replacement, a restoration allows you to extend the lifespan of your existing roof by up to 20 years. Furthermore, many coatings are made of eco-friendly materials and can increase your building’s energy efficiency. This lowers your carbon footprint and encourages sustainability.

Metal Roof Restoration

Another benefit of a restoration is its cost-effectiveness. A restoration is typically much less expensive than a complete replacement, and it can save you money on energy costs in the long term. In addition, many coatings come with long-term warranties, giving you peace of mind that you are protecting your investment.

A restoration can also help improve your property’s appearance. Metal roofs can become discolored and deteriorate over time, making your building look old and unappealing. A coating can restore the color of your roof, making it look like new.

Finally, a metal roof restoration can provide a number of additional benefits, such as improved durability, resistance to weather and environmental factors, and increased safety for your building’s occupants. By restoring your metal roof, you can ensure that your building is protected from the elements and remains a safe and comfortable environment for your employees and customers.

Contact Us

A restoration is a sustainable, cost-effective solution for commercial property owners who are looking to extend the lifespan of their metal roofs. By working with a professional contractor like Flag Ship Foam & Coatings in Helena, MT, you can improve the energy efficiency, appearance, and durability of your commercial building. Call us today at 208-946-3031 to learn more!