Single-Ply Roofing – Bozeman, MT

When compared with other types of roofing systems, single-ply roofing turns out to be a complex roofing system. Therefore, only a competent roofer can understand and carry it out. Fortunately for you, if you are a commercial building owner in Bozeman, MT, with a single-ply roof sitting on top of it, you can rely on the experts, housed at Flag Ship Foam & Coatings, for all your roofing requirements. Our roofers have multiple years of experience in tackling all sorts of single-ply roofing problems, and they will be delighted to be at your service. Get in touch with us today at 208-946-3031 for further details!

Which Single-Ply Roofing Type Should You Go With?

When taking into account a single-ply roofing system, you have got three options: PVC, EPDM, and TPO. The type you pick depends on your personal choice. However, just to give you an idea, if you want cost-effectiveness and need to cover a large surface with fewer seams, opt for EPDM. On the other hand, PVC is used to hold up well against pollutants. When it comes to TPO roofs, they are special because of their all-roundedness, particularly the fact that they boost the energy efficiency of your building through their emissive surfaces.

An All-Encompassing Service


When we talk about single-ply roofing, the professional roofers of Flag Ship Foam & Coatings have all sorts of services to offer – be it roof maintenance, repairs, restorations, or even replacements. It is worth mentioning that for the recovery of your single-ply roofing system, a roof coating is a very resilient option since it functions particularly well with single-ply roofing. Once a roof coating is installed, you can get at least a decade out of your roof. Also, because of the reflective properties of roof coatings, your utility bills will go down a lot.

Quality Single-Ply Roofing Materials

Apart from top-quality craftsmanship, the roofing technicians of Flag Ship Foam & Coatings make use of only the supreme roofing products for all their single-ply roofing projects. This is because they work hard to achieve excellence, and that is possible only when all aspects of your roofing job are the finest!

Call us today!

If your single-ply roof requires service, wait no longer. If you are located in Bozeman, MT, contact the team of roofers at Flag Ship Foam & Coatings today at 208-946-3031. We will respond to you within a very short period of time so that any damage that might have been done to your roof can be kept from festering.